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Rovers Medical Devices

Rovers Medical Devices

We care for the world

Rovers Medical Devices

Rovers Medical Devices is active in the development and production of innovative medical sampling devices used for cell collection during medical diagnosis, primarily for cancer screening.

Why did we invest?

Rovers is a global market leader with a highly efficient, fully automated low-cost production process. Rovers sampling devices are developed in-house and certified in close cooperation with large pharmaceutical companies for medical diagnosis programmes. The importance of preventive testing and diagnosis at an early stage to provide optimal patient treatment programmes is growing. Smile Invest maintains a majority stake alongside the founder.

January, 2019
March, 2024
Rovers Medical Devices
Rovers Medical Devices

“Smile Invest, as a new investor, allows us to strengthen our current market position and prepare the organisation for further growth. Smile Invest’s expertise in the medical device market and advanced manufacturing, as well as its access to successful medtech entrepreneurs, is of huge value to Rovers.”